1) What's this? a) climbing frame b) armbands c) frisbee 2) Who is she? a) doctor b) housewife c) nurse 3) Where's the mouse? a) on the cheese b) under the cheese c) in the cheese 4) What's this? a) net b) ball c) folder 5) What are these? a) eyes b) shoulders c) ears 6) What are these? a) shoulders b) armbands c) frames 7) Who is she? a) mum b) grandma c) aunt 8) What are these? a) arms b) legs c) ears 9) Who is he? a) fireman b) pilot c) farmer 10) What's this? a) swing b) seesaw c) slide 11) Where's the mouse? a) on the cheese b) under the cheese c) in the cheese 12) What's this? a) car b) train c) scooter


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