1) Rye bread a) lakka b) ruisleipä c) siili 2) lakka a) a bun b) a lingonberry c) a cloudberry 3) a swan a) orava b) siili c) joutsen 4) hyttynen a) a hedgehog b) a mosquito c) a squirrel 5) a lingonberry a) puolukka b) suo c) siili 6) pulla a) the Northern lights b) a bun c) a bog 7) siili a) a swan b) a squirrel c) a hedgehog 8) a squirrel a) orava b) suo c) tikkapeli 9) a summer cottage a) kesämökki b) pelto c) pilkkiminen 10) darts a) soutaminen b) revontulet c) tikkapeli 11) rowing a) soutaminen b) suo c) saari 12) ice fishing a) revontulet b) pilkkiminen c) kesämökki 13) an island a) saari b) suo c) revontulet 14) a bog a) siili b) suo c) joutsen 15) pelto a) a field b) the Northern lights c) a swan 16) the Northern lights a) revontulet b) pilkkiminen c) pulla

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