Phill works here, - doesn't he?, You haven't been to prison, - have you?, They have a car,  - haven't they?, You can speak English, - can't you?, Let's go to the cinema, - shall we?, I'm not stupid, - am I?, I'm right, - aren't I?, Pass me that book, - will you?, We have never enjoy our holiday, - have we?, He played basketball last saturday, - didn't he?, She isn't from France, - is she?, The sun is shining today, - isn't it?, You don't like sushi, - do you?, Jennifer is going to go to the cinema, - isn't she?, Miss Hale likes playing American football, - doesn't she?, You enjoy hanging out with your friends, - don't you?, She can ride a horse, - can't she?, We should drink 2 glasses of water per day, - shouldn't we?, You haven't seen this film, - have you?, He can't drive, - can he?, The buses are never on time, - are they?, The phone didn't ring, - did it?, It was raining that day, - wasn't it?, Jack eats cheese,  - doesn't he?, I said it yesterday, - didn't I?, He won't tell anyone,  - will he?, I have already completed my HW, - haven't I?, Those customers weren't happy, - were they?, My cat is sleeping, - isn't it?, Let's go to the Starbucks, - shall we? ,


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