1) Where is the car? a) On the bed b) Next to the bed c) Under the bed 2) What's the weather like? a) It's rainy and hot b) It's rainy and cold c) It's snowy 3) What day is it today? a) Today is Monday b) Today is Wednesday c) Today is Thursday 4) What day is it tomorrow? a) Tomorrow is Monday b) Tomorrow is Tuesday c) Tomorrow is Friday 5) How many monkeys are there? a) There are two monkeys b) There are four monkeys c) There is two monkeys 6) How many chairs are there? a) There aren't six chairs. b) There is six. c) There are six. 7) How is he feeling? a) Happy b) Thirsty c) Sad 8) How is she feeling? a) Tired b) Angry c) Cold 9) How is he feeling? a) Sad b) Hungry c) Angry 10) Past simple of "eat" a) Ate b) eaten c) ated 11) Past simple of get a) get b) got c) gotten 12) Past simple of blow a) blown b) blew c) blewn 13) Past simple of teach a) teachen b) taught c) tought 14) Where is the theater? a) Next to the cinema. b) Opposite the cinema. c) Next to the police station. 15) How many apples are there? a) There are six b) There are seven c) There are eight 16) How many cakes are there? a) There is three cakes b) There are three cakes c) There are four cakes 17) How many monkeys are there? a) There are seven monkeys. b) There are six monkeys. c) There are eight monkeys. 18) How many dogs are there? a) Zero b) There is one c) There are one 19) What time is it? a) It's half past four. b) It's four o'clock. c) It's quarter past four. 20) What time is it? a) It's five a clock. b) It's quarter past five c) It's quarter past four.



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