1) I am the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of God.  a) Mary b) Joseph c) St. Lucy d) Rachel Carlson 2) I am the patron saint of schools and students. a) St. Paul b) Holy Spirit c) St. Teresa of Jesus d) Abraham 3) I am God's greatest gift to people. a) St. Joseph b) St. Thomas Aquinas c) Hebrew people d) Jesus 4) I entered into the covenant with God before Moses did. a) God the Father b) Hebrew people c) Abraham d) Rachel Carlson 5) I wrote books that warned people about dangers to the environment. a) Rachel Carlson b) Hebrew people c) Mary d) St. Joseph 6) I wrote books about prayer and how to worship God. a) St. Joseph b) Moses c) Jesus d) St. Paul 7) I created everything in the universe. a) Abraham b) God the Father  c) Moses d) Mary 8) I guide the Church to continue the work of Christ. a) Pope b) Holy Spirit c) Abraham d) Mary 9) I read the Ten Commandments to the Hebrew people. a) God the Father b) Jesus c) Moses d) Holy Spirit 10) We were led out of slavery in Egypt more than 3,000 years ago. a) Jewish people b) Hebrew people c) American people


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