Guarantee - A promise, financial institutions guarantee to protect customers’ savings, Interest - Income on savings or the cost of borrowing., DIRT - Deposit Interest Retention Tax – tax on interest earned on savings., CAR - Compound Annual Rate –interest on your savings is added, Investments - Putting your money/savings into a product or scheme that should make a profit, Shares - Money invested in a company, you receive a dividend out of profits, Risk - Danger, when you invest money there is a risk that you could lose your money., Pension - Income received when a person is retired., Creditworthy - Having a good track record of paying back loans and of being a regular saver., Collateral - Property or other assets that a lender can take if you fail to repay the loan., Debit card - A card you use to buy goods/services. The money is debited from your current account, Credit card - A card you use to buy goods/services. You are billed at the end of every credit period, Overdraft - Allows you to withdraw more money than you have in your current account., APR - Annual Percentage Rate – the true rate of interest., Mortgage - Long-term loan used to buy a house.,

Savings and Borrowing


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