Who´s the author of the story? , Where´s the main character at the beginning of the story? , What did he love when he was a child?, Describe the first cat the narrator and his wife had, Describe how the narrator´s character changed thoughout the story, Why and how did the narrator hurt Pluto?, The narrator asks: "Are not we humans at all times pushed, ever driven in some unknown way to break the law just because we understand it to be the law? Describe any event in which people act this way, How did the narrator kill the cat? , Why did the narrator kill the cat?, What reason did the narrator give fot the burning of the house?, What was the narrator´s attittude towards his wife at the end of the story?, Why did the police go to the narrator´s house?, Was there a second cat or was it Pluto? Why do you think so?, Which is the consequence of the narrator´s actions at the end?, How does the narrator feel at the fact that he was to be executed?, What do you think led him to change his feelings towards the cat?, How do you feel about cats? Did the story change your feelings? If so, how?, What happened the night the narrator hung Pluto? Was it a coincidence?, What happened the night the narrator hung Pluto? Was it a coincidence?, Why did the narrator mention the wall to the police?, What are the themes present on the story?, What does the second cat symbolize?, Why did the narrator get caught by the police?.



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