1) Find the correct translation of : "Elle se lève toujours à 7h." a) She always get up at 7 am. b) She always gets up at 7 am. c) She always wakes up at 7 am. d) She get up always at 7 am. e) She get always up at 7 am. f) She always wake up at 7 am. 2) Find the correct translation of : "Ils déjeunent à l'école." a) They have breakfast at school. b) They has breakfast at school. c) They have lunch at school. d) He eats at the cafeteria. e) He has lunch at school. f) They has lunch at school. 3) Find the correct translation of : "Est-ce qu'il prend une douche le matin?" a) Does he take a bath in the morning? b) Do he take a shower in the morning? c) Does she take a shower in the morning? d) Does he take a shower in the morning? e) Do they take a shower in the morning? f) Does he take a shower at morning? 4) Find the correct translation of : "Est-ce qu'elle prend toujours une petit-déjeuner le matin?" a) Does she always has breakfast in the morning? b) Does she sometimes have breakfast in the morning? c) Does she never have breakfast in the morning? d) Does she always have breakfast in the morning? e) Do she always have breakfast in the morning? f) Has she always breakfast in the morning? 5) Find the correct translation of : "J'ai cours de 8h30 à 17h." a) I have class from eight past thirty to 5 pm. b) I have class from half past eight to five pm. c) I have a course from 8.30 to 5 pm. d) I have school from half past eight to 5 pm. e) I have class from half past eight to 5 am. f) I have a course from half past eight to 5 am. 6) Find the correct translation of : "Nous finissons l'école at 16h." a) We finish school at 4 pm. b) He finishes school at 4 pm. c) We finish class at 4 pm. d) We finish school at 4 am. e) They finish school at 4 pm. f) We start school at 4 pm. 7) Find the correct translation of : "Il joue aux jeux vidéo." a) He plays vidéo games. b) He plaies video games. c) She plays video games. d) He likes video games. e) He plays games. f) He plays video games. 8) Find the correct translation of : "Elle regarde la TV." a) He watches TV. b) She watchs TV. c) She watches TV. d) I do watch TV. e) She does watch TV. f) She watches her TV. 9) Find the correct translation of : "Je fais toujours mes devoirs." a) I do always my homework. b) She always does my homework. c) I always do my homework. d) I always do her homework. e) I always make my homework. f) We always make my homework. 10) Find the correct translation of : "Te laves-tu les dents après déjeuner?" a) Do you brushes your teeth after lunch? b) Do you wash your teeth after lunch? c) Do you brush my teeth after lunch? d) Do you brush your teeth after lunch? e) Do you brush your teeth his lunch? f) Do you brush your teeth after breakfast? 11) Find the correct translation of : "Passe-t-il du temps en famille le soir?" a) Does he spend time with her family in the evening? b) Does he spend time with his family at night? c) Does he spend time with his family in the evening? d) Do he spend time with his family in the evening? e) Does he spends time with his family in the evening? f) He spends time with his family in the evening? 12) Find the correct translation of : "A quelle heure va-t-elle habituellement au lit?" a) What o'clock does she usually go to bed? b) What time does she always go to bed? c) What time she usually go to bed? d) What time do she usually go to bed? e) What time does she usually go to her bed? f) What time does she usually go to bed?

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