The World’s Oldest People Share their Secrets to a Happy LifeWe often ____ that a little tot of something strong in the evening is the key to ____, while others swear by nothing more than ____ air and hard work. But what is the ____ to a long and happy life? We ____ the opinions of some of the world’s oldest people who were ____ to share their tips. Who are the oldest people in the world?The oldest person ever to have ____ (whose age has been ____ is Jeanne Calment (1875–1997) of France, who was 122 years old. The oldest man is Jiroemon Kimura (1897-2013) from Japan, who was 116. The oldest ____ to have lived in the UK is Charlotte Hughes (1877-1993), who lived to the ____ old age of 115. Currently, the world’s oldest living person is the 116-year-old Japanese woman Kane Tanaka. She was born on 2 January 1903. The secret to a long and happy life So, just what do these superhuman supercentenarians put their long and happy lives down to? Gertrude Weaver of Arkansas lived to the ripe old age of 117 ____ by the power of kindness. “Treat people ____ and be nice to other people the way you want them to be nice to you”. A simple ____ from Gertrude, but something that’s all too often forgotten in the ____ lives we lead today. Duranord Veillard, who died at the age of 111, said his secret to a long and happy life was ____ up at 5:00am and doing 5 to 7 press-ups every day. On top of his workout routine, he also started every ____ with a healthy breakfast of oatmeal, fruit and a ____ of tea, and finished the day with fish and vegetables. As a ____ to 12 and great-grandparent to 14, he was ____ doing something right! Doctor Alexander Imich, a Polish ____ living in America, earned the title of the world’s oldest man in 2014 and lived to be 111. He attributed his long life to a healthy diet and abstaining from alcohol. However, since early childhood, he had also followed ____ such as exercise, healthy diet, meditation and calorie ____. He also took many different nutritional ____ over the years, which he constantly ____ in line with the latest research. The therapeutic qualities of ____ have long been known. Australia’s Alfred Date, who died at the age of 110, spent a good ____ of his later years knitting mini sweaters for injured penguins. Yes, you read that right. Alfred’s knitting ____ were so well known that two nurses from the Philip Island Penguin Foundation asked him to make sweaters to help ____ that had been affected by an oil spill. As if that’s not heart-warming enough, he also made ____ for his human friends too. Scotland’s oldest person, Jessie Gallan, died at the age of 109 in 2015. She swore by a ____ bowl of porridge for breakfast and smiling when she woke up every morning. However, more light-heartedly, she also bestowed the virtues of ____ men at all costs. The social, active and ____ popular ____ of a care home in Aberdeen, said: “My secret to a long life has been staying away from men. They’re just more ____ than they’re worth!”


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