1) Musze już iść a) I have go b) I must to go c) I have to go 2) Musimy nosić mundurki a) We must wear uniforms b) We have to wear uniforms c) We must to wear uniforms d) We have wear uniforms 3) Musze ci coś powiedzieć a) I must tell you something b) I mustn't tell you something c) I must to tell you something 4) Co musze zrobić żeby wygrać nagrodę? a) What do I have do to win a prize? b) What do I have to do to win a prize? c) What mustn't I do to win a prize? 5) Ona nie musi sprzątać pokoju a) She doesn't have tidy her room b) She mustn't tidy her room c) She doesn't have to tidy her room 6) Nie wolno wam dotykać tego obrazu a) You shouldn't touch this picture b) You mustn't touch this picture c) You don't have to touch this picture 7) Musimy się pospieszyć a) Whe should hurry b) We mustn't murry c) We must to hurry d) We must hurry e) We should to hurry 8) Nie wolno jej jeść cukru a) She mustn't eat sugar b) She shouldn't eat sugar c) She doesn't have to eat sugar 9) Musze zadzwonić do lekarza a) I should call the doctor b) I have to call the doctor c) I must to call the doctor d) I mustn't call to the doctor 10) Nie możemy się spóźnić a) We don't have to be late b) We must be late c) We shouldn't be late d) We mustn't be late 11) Czy ono musi nakryć do stołu? a) Should it set the table? b) Must it to set the table? c) Does it have to set the table? 12) On musi zrobić zadanie a) He has to do his homework b) He should do his homework c) He must't do his homework

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