1) which of the following best describes a mineral? a) a solid natural material with a crystal structure b) a material that was once living but has decayed c) a liquid chemical used to make soil more fertile d) a nutrient produced by plants that other organisms need 2) which type of rock is formed when hot lava cools? a) coal b) igneous c) limestone d) metamorphic 3) metamorphic rocks are formed by a) weathering, erosion and pressure b) melting and cooling c) heating, melting and pressure d) heat and pressure 4) which type of rock is produced by weathering, erosion and pressure? a) mineral b) igneuos c) sedimentary d) metamorphic 5) which type of rock can be extremely light because it was formed by the cooling of lava and trapped gas bubbles? a) foliated b) intrusive c) extrusive d) chemical 6) contact metamorphism generally occurs near a) igneous extrusions b) sediment intrusions c) igneous intrusions d) sediment extrusions 7) rocks formed from dissolved minerals and water are known as... a) clastic sedimentary rock b) chemical sedimentary rock c) organic sedimentary rock d) inorganic sedimentary rock 8) rocks formed from the remains of once-living plants and animals are called a) clastic sedimentary rock b) chemical sedimentary rock c) organic sedimentary rock d) inorganic sedimentary rock 9) when partially decomposed plant material is buried beneath the sediment under heat and pressure, it turns into a) coal b) natural gas c) oil d) metamorphs 10) metamorphism occurs due to change in.. a) rocks b) pressure c) heat d) heat and pressure


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