Bias - A personal judgement/opinion, Repetition - A repeated word/statement etc, Rhetorical devices - Techniques used to gain influence, Ethos - Appealing to the idea of right/wrong, Logos - Appealing to logical reasoning, Pathos - Appealing to the emotions, Loaded words - Words chosen to create a positive/negative reaction, Purpose - The function of a text, Audience - The intended listener/watcher/reader, Narrative mode - Writing using a story format, Biography - Writing about the life of another person, Autobiography - Writing about your own life, Descriptive mode - Writing that portrays the physical appearance of a place/person/object etc, Literary non-fiction - Factual writing that has elements of narrative/description etc (H is for Hawk), Chronology - Time order in a text, Memoir - A type of autobiography possibly focusing on a single incident, Expository mode - Writing that informs, Parallelism - Repetition of grammatical forms in several sentences, Setting - The time/place/conditions in a text, Perspective - The viewpoint/ideas of the writer, Semantic field - A group of words about a certain topic, Juxtaposition - A contrast (often extreme), Indigenous language - Words from the language of the setting (kira/gho), Adjectival phrase - The group of words to describe a noun, Travelogue - A film/book etc about a place or traveller experience,


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