to yawn - to open the mouth wide and take a lot of air into the lungs and slowly send it out, usually when tired or bored, to feel sleepy - to want to sleep, to set - an alarm clock, to put your head - on the pillow, to cover yourself - with a duvet or a blanket, to snore - to make a loud noise when sleeping, If you dont hear the alarm clock, you may - oversleep, Coffee can - keep you awake, insomnia - the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time, You take them if you suffer from insomnia - sleeping pills, to have a nap - to have a short sleep, especially during the day, to sleep like a log - to sleep very well, jet-lagged - tired and confused because you have made a long trip by plane from a place where the time is different, fast asleep - to sleep deeply,


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