1) One of the most important use of fossil fuels is making electricty. It is burnt in power stations to turn water into steam, which turns turbines to generate electricity. What are the disadvantages of using fossil fuel? a) Its a non-renewable energy resource, it will not last forever. b) It produces pollution such as carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming. c) It does not have any disadvantages. d) 1 and 2 2) Biomass is anything that is grown, such as straw or produced by animals, like dung. It can be burned instead of fossil fuels. The advantage of using biomass is: a) Its renewable b) It produces no pollution at all. c) It produces less carbon dioxide than fossil fuels. d) 1 and 3 3) When considering to install solar cells on your roof the factors to consider are: a) Payback time b) Cost c) The view d) 1 and 3 4) Households and individuals in order to save energy can: a) Do nothing to save energy. b) Change habits to save energy such as walking instead of driving. c) Use more energy efficient devices such as energy saving light bulbs. d) 2 and 3 5) To conserve energy governments should: a) Put money (invest) into projects for research to develop new technology for renewable energy resource. b) Set targets for companies to save energy. c) Educating individuals to save energy. d) All the above.


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