1) who is imposter a) red b) green c) your mum d) guy that made this game e) peppa pig f) jonas 2) who is this womans son a) jonas b) red imposter c) da babay d) 3d squirtle e) jorge stan f) woman 3) who was last in medbay a) red imposter b) woman c) jonas d) andrew e) bully maguire f) low quality garfield 4) who is the airship owner a) among us dripper b) dioxde c) roblox gold digger d) roblox duliong man e) shrek the rock johnsone f) mickey mouse peppa pig foundation 5) why is sus a) why not not sus b) is sus many E c) is not lie d) 3d squirtle did not me e) yes yes yes accept among us for life f) help im being kindapped 6) who is not dinlogo a) me b) read me and fino out c) wathc out children chesse is coming for your head d) destroy or no joy e) im not (i dont promise) :) f) mario says " luigi is green so he dulingo man" 7) who is not this man a) inspector gadget b) sus man c) thats suspicous girl d) random man e) weird monke i think.... f) gay aqua man

Among us E


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