Exposition - Beginning of a story, where characters and setting is introduced. Setting the scene of a story and capturing the reader’s attention., Problem - An incident that occurs to the protagonist to hook the reader in, and set the story in motion., Rising action - The part of the story where conflict grows, and tensions rise., Climax - The highest point of tension and action in a story, where a crisis is reached., Falling action - Follows the “crisis” point of the story, where the tension from the story's central conflict decreases and the story moves toward its conclusion., Conclusion - Final part of the story, where loose ends are tied up., Internal Conflict - Inside a person, having to do with emotions, thoughts, and decisions, External Conflict - Outside of a person, physical or actions hapening, Natural Conflict - Weather, plants/animals, Natural Disasters, Disease, Societal conflict - rebellion, revolution, one against many. ,

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