April 14, 1912 - The day that the Titanic hit the iceberg., April 15, 1912 - The day the Titanic sank., 11:40 p.m. - The time the Titanic hit the iceberg., 2:20 a.m. - The time the Titanic sank., 2,223 - Number of passengers on the Titanic., 1,517 - Number of people killed on the Titanic., 7.5 million - The cost of building the Titanic., $2,560 - The price of a first class ticket on the Titanic., April 10, 1912 - The day the Titanic set sail to go to America., Southampton, England - The location that the Titanic left from on its voyage., Belfast, Ireland - Where the Titanic was built., 20 - Number of lifeboats aboard the Titanic., Edward Smith - The captain of the Titanic., 37 - The number of seconds that passed from the crew seeing the iceberg to the Titanic hitting it., The Carpathia - The boat that heard the distress call and took the survivors to New York., White Star Line - Company that operated the Titanic., Jack Phillips - Senior wireless operator on the Titanic - sent the distress signals., John Jacob Astor - American millionaire - wealthiest person on the Titanic,

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