Prokaryotic - Simple organisms without membrane enclosed nuclei or organelle, Chitin - Material found in fungal cell walls, Monera - Classification of Bacteria, Binary Fission - Reproduction in Bacteria, Endospore - Structure produced by some bacteria to help them withstand unfavourable conditions, Plasmid - Loops of DNA found in Bacteria, often used in genetic engineering, Flagella - Structures used to assist bacterial motility, Coccus - Round shaped bacteria, Parasite - An organism which obtains it nutrition & causes harm to it host, Obligate - A type of anaerobe that can only respire in the absence of oxygen, Bioreactor - A vessel in which biological reactions take place, Protista - Amoeba is a member of this kingdom, Contractile Vacuole - Structure required for osmoregulation in Amoeba, Pseudopodia - Structure used for feeding and movement in Amoeba, Heterotrophic - Mode of nutrition in Amoeba, Spores - Reproduction in Rhizopus, Mycelium - Mass of Hyphae, Saphrophyte - An organism that obtains it nutrients from dead or decaying material, Budding - Reproduction in Yeast, Fungi - Kingdom to which Yeast belongs,


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