1) That boyfriend of yours is useless. Isn't it time ........ a new one? a) you found b) you find c) you had found 2) If only our neighbors ........ a dog, life would be much more peaceful. a) wouldn't have b) don't have c) didn't have 3) What a lovely view! I wish .... my camera. a) I brought b) I'd brought c) I've brought 4) I'm too tired to go out tonight. I'd rather ......... at home. a) we would stay b) we'd stayed c) we stayed 5) If only ........ Mike the car, we'd be able to drive there. a) you hadn't lent b) you lent c) you didn't lend 6) Come on, children! It's time ..... to bed. a) you go b) you had gone c) you went 7) I'd rather ........ your shoes off at the door, if you don't mind. a) you took b) you take c) you had taken 8) I'd love to be able to sing in a choir. If only ....... a better voice! a) I'd have b) I had c) I have 9) As soon as I said it, I wished......... . a) I wouldn't b) I hadn't c) I didn't 10) Diane thinks it's high time her daughter ....... married. a) had got b) gets c) got 11) Those children look freezing. I bet they wish ......... indoors. a) they were b) they had been c) they would be 12) As you're busy, .......... we postponed the meeting? a) had you rather b) would you rather c) do you rather 13) I'd wear these jeans more often if ....... so tight. a) they were b) they weren't c) they wouldn't be 14) If only those people in the front row ........ talking. I can't hear the film! a) would stop b) stopped c) will stop 15) I've just had a text from Ann. She'd rather ......... at 6.30, as she's running late. a) we had met b) we were meeting c) we met

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