Abraham - Israel; father of Israel, Jesus - Israel; Messiah, Constantine - Rome; legalized Christianity, Gilgamesh - Meso; Epic, Hammurabi - Meso; 282, Sargon - Meso; 1st empire, Nebuchadnezzar - Babylon; hanging gardens, Narmer - Egypt; United Egypt, Hatshepsut - Egypt; female/trade, Tutankhamen - Egypt; tomb, Ramses II - Egypt; first peace treaty, Siddhartha Gautama - India; Buddhism, David - Israel; Jerusalem capital, Socrates - Greece; questioned everything, Shi Huang Di - China; Great Wall/Ended warring state, Confucius - China; Confucianism, Diocletian - Rome; persecutor/made Christianity illegal, Xerxes - Persia; general at Persian wars, Julius Caesar - Rome; military general; started Civil War, Cyrus the Great - Persia; largest empire; fair; freed the Jews,

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