1 How do you always manage to get the tickets for popular trains? — I ____ them ____. 2 When Alice was on the bus in London, she got distracted by taking pictures so that she forgot to ____at her stop. 3 Bob was completely ____ at a local market in Turkey. He paid way too much for the spices he was buying. 4 Is it worth visiting this exhibition? — No, it’s a complete ____. Spending two hours looking at five paintings? You’ll regret it later. 5 Hey guys! Is there someone who’s free this afternoon and could ____ me ____ the city? It’s my first time here. 6 Bad weather and terrible traffic jams really ____ my day in Jakarta. 7 How much did you pay for this scarf? — 5$. — Well, congrats, you got it at ________ . 8 The host offered us to stay two more nights with breakfast included. I thought it was ____. 9 Could you please ____ our ____ ? Thank you so much.



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