myth - A story about gods, goddesses, or heroes, that explain nature or beliefs/morals, oracle - a sacred shrine where a priest or priestess spoke and predicted the future, fable - a short story with animals as characters that shows a moral, drama - A story written to be performed by actors, tragedy - a play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending, comedy - light and funny drama with a happy ending, Socratic Method - way of teaching developed by Socrates that used a questioning to make students discuss to gain truth, Hippocratic Oath - oath taken by medical students swearing to practice medicine in an ethical way, Hellenistic Era - Like the Greeks, Epicureanism - the philosophy of Epicurus, stating that the purpose of life is to look for happiness and peace, Stoicism - the philosophy of Zeno, stating that you must stay strong in the face of struggle or pain and make decisions with reason, circumference - The distance around a circle, plane geometry - The study of shapes and figures in two dimensions (the plane), solid geometry - branch of mathematics that studies spheres and cylinders,

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