1) " There's somebody at the door" a) "I'm going to answer it." b) "I'll answer it." 2) " These boxes are too heavy . Look out- a) "I'm going to drop them"! b) " I'll drop them!" 3) "Would you like something to drink"? "Yes, a) I'm going to have a glass of water, please" b) I'll have a glass of water, please" 4) " Show me your picture. I promise.... a) I'm not going to laugh" b) I won't laugh" 5) " What are your plans for the afternoon?" a) " I'm going to stay and watch tv" b) " I'll stay and watch TV" 6) " We're going to the Caribbean this year" a) It'll be my first visit" b) It's going to be my first visit" 7) " I've forgotten my pencil case" "Don't worry a) I'll lend you my pen" b) I'm going to lend you my pen" 8) " That's a fantastic pass!" a) " They'll score a goal"! b) " The're going to score a goal"! 9) " I'm going to the cinema tonight"! Really? a) What will you see? b) What are you going to see?

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