1) She's rich, _______? a) is she? b) isn't she? c) she is? 2) These are your glasses, _______? a) aren't they? b) thet are? c) do they? 3) You live in Buenos Aires, _______? a) are you? b) do you? c) don't you? 4) They walk to work, ______? a) they do? b) do they? c) don't they? 5) Bill doesn't like chocolate, ___? a) isn't he? b) he does? c) does he? 6) Those flowers are lovely,______? a) aren't they? b) are they? c) do they? 7) Julie isn't an accountant, ________? a) is she? b) isn't she? c) she isn't? 8) She studies very hard every night,________? a) does she? b) doesn't she? c) is she? 9) You don't cook very often, _______? a) don't you? b) are you? c) do you? 10) We can use our cellphones, ___? a) do we? b) can we? c) can't we? 11) You haven't seen my bag, ____________? a) did you? b) have you? c) do you? 12) You've forgotten to feed the cat __________? a) Haven't you? b) didn´t you? c) did you?


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