tale - a story, you can have a fairy _____, pain - this hurts and it can be agony, right - correct or opposite of left, peace - no fighting or war, main - the most important, the most used, piece - a part of something - like a cake, sum - add, meet - come together, steel - Sheffield is famous for this - a mixture of mostly made of iron - can be stainless, made - constructed, manufactured, stare - to look intently at something, stair - you can go up these or down them, plane - an aircraft, some - a quantity of, a few of, meat - flesh of animals which can be eaten, brake - if you use this, you will slow your car or bicycle down, reed - a grass like plant often found by water, maid - a young woman, woman paid to do housework, plain - ordinary or a large flat area of land, break - you can _____ your arm or do ____ dancing, mane - the long hairs on a horse's neck, steal - thieve, pinch, nick, tail - the other end from the head. A fish has one, read - you can _______ a book or newspaper, pane - a sheet of glass or a window,


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