1) If an electron is located in a small orbit, would the energy be low or high? a) Low b) High c) i don't know 2) When does radiation occurs? a) When I put on the radio b) When an electron jumps from one orbit to another c) When an electron completes one full lap around the neutron d) When an electron completes one full lap around the atomic nucleus 3) What does "quanta" mean? a) It means "how much" in portuguese  b) It means four in spanish c) It means "how much" in Latin d) It means four in Latin 4) Does an electron emit radiation continuously creating a curved path? a) Yes, Because electron's movement creates a spiral b) Yes c) No d) No. If this occurs the electron would lose energy 5) When a body is heated... a) Its radian energy in a particular frequency range is opposite to the temperature of the body b) its radiant energy in a frequency range is proportional to the temperature of the body c) I don't know d) it is important to drink water

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