1) Where do you watch TV? a) I watch TV in the bedroom b) I watch TV in the bathroom c) I watch TV in the living room d) I watch TV in the kitchen 2) Where do you brush your teeth? a) I brush my teeth in the kitchen b) I brush my teeth in the bedroom c) I brush my teeth in the garden d) I brush my teeth in the bathroom 3) Where do you wash your face? a) I wash my face in the dining room b) I wash my face in the garage c) I wash my face in the bedroom d) I wash my face in the bathroom 4) Where do you go to sleep? a) I go to sleep in the hall b) I go to sleep in the living room c) I go to sleep in the kitchen d) I go to sleep in the bedroom 5) Where do you have a shower? a) I have a shower in the bedroom b) I have a shower in the living room c) I have a shower in the dining room d) I have a shower in the bathroom 6) What does he do at night? a) He has a shower at night b) He reads a book at night c) He washes his face at night 7) What does she do in the morning? a) She goes to sleep in the morning b) She has a shower in the morning c) She brushes her teeth in the morning 8) What does he do at night before sleeping? a) He has a shower b) He puts his pyjamas on c) He reads a book 9) What does he do after lunch? a) She climbs a tree b) She plays tennis c) She listens to music 10) What does she do on Saturdays? a) She plays basketball b) She write on her notebook c) She rides her bike

Where do you ..... ?


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