1) What is a triple / rule of 3? a) Using 3 words / ideas in a row. b) Comparing using as or like c) A question that doesn't need an answer 2) Which of these is an example of alliteration? a) The trees blew forward and backwards. b) The trees tottered in the torrential rain and wind. c) The wind howled and screeched 3) Which of these is an example of a direct address? a) You can join the course for free. b) The students don't have to pay for the course. c) John said, 'Why don't you come to the course? It's free.' 4) Which of these is an example of a triple / rule of 3? a) The kittens cuddled up, all cozy next to the fire. b) The kittens were fluffy, curious, excitable and clumsy. c) The kittens were cute, cuddly and adorable. 5) What is a slogan? a) A short, memorable phrase used in advertising. b) A list of words. c) A long sentence that asks you to do something. 6) Why is rule of three used? a) To emphasise the point the reader is making. b) To give a definition of a word. c) To compare different things. 7) Which of these is an example of slogan? a) M&Ms melts in your mouth not your hands b) Remember to eat them them slowly to enjoy them. c) Don't eat too many! You'll make yourself ill.

Language Techniques - Rule of 3, slogans, alliteration


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