Is there anything "strange" about you?, Do you have a favorite color? What does it make you feel?, Choose one vacation destination, where and why?, If everyone spoke their minds would this world be a better place?, What superpower would you like to have? , Have you read or seen anything recently that you'd like to recommend?, Have you ever completed anything on your “bucket list”?, Which three words describe you best?, Do guns protect people?, What is your greatest achievement?, Which skill would you love to learn?, What irritates you the most?, Describe this first half of the year in one word., Do you enjoy e learning?, If you had the chance to have dinner with someone famous, who would you choose?, Would you rather read people's mind or see into the future?, If you had two pills the red one represents unpleasant truth and the blue pill represents blissful ignorance what would you rather take?, What's your idea of a "good life"?, Have we become less happy in this age of technology?, Do you think Argentina is a racist country? Why? .

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