CLAIM: A very simple sentence that directly answers a question or states a position, It's better to listen to music while you study than to not listen to music., Reading 10 minutes a day can improve students' academics., People who speak out against the government should not be imprisoned., Do not include "I believe/ I think" in your sentence starter, EVIDENCE: factual information that anyone could see if they were viewing the source, Classical music has been proven to help people focus., Does not contain an opinion., Reading for 10 minutes a day improves children's reading and writing., Sentence starters: The text states...According to the passage..., REASONING: Why the given evidence matters, Music gives better focus, meaning more effective studying., Connects the facts with the opinion., When students do better in school, they a take pride in their schoolwork and are more motivated., Sentence starter: Based on the evidence, it is concluded tha,

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