1) Jim grew up with many animals at home and knows well how to  ✅   pets.〔98.基測Ⅰ〕 a) belong to b) get away from c) take care of d) wake up 2) The turtle is the animal my sister is most  ✅   of. She cries and runs away even when she sees a picture of one.〔100. 基測Ⅱ〕 a) sure b) shy c) proud d) afraid 3) On cold days, my cats love to lie on the couch because it is warm and  ✅  .〔96.基測Ⅰ〕 a) comfortable b) friendly c) modern d) simple 4) The noise those boys are making is giving me a(n) ✅  . Can you do anything about it?〔100.基測Ⅰ〕 a) break b) excuse c) hand d) headache 5) In summer it is   ✅  to stay in my parents’ room because it is air-conditioned.〔92.基測Ⅰ〕 a) comfortable b) gentle c) impossible d) serious 6) Nana and Fred are good friends, and   ✅  are baseball fans.〔90.基測Ⅱ〕 a) all of them b) both of them c) some of them d) one of them 7)   ✅  of my sisters are older than I am. I’m the youngest of the three children in my family.〔109.會考〕 a) Both b) Few c) Most d) Some 8) Getting up early on a cold morning is not easy,  ✅  ?〔104.會考〕 a) are you b) do you c) does it d) is it 9) I was surprised to know from the newspaper yesterday   ✅  flowers do not always smell sweet; some can smell like dead fish.〔102.基測〕 a) that b) when c) where d) which 10)  ✅   Joe looks strong, in fact he gets sick easily.〔97.基測Ⅰ〕 a) Because b) If c) Though d) When 11) I cannot understand why Steven bought so many watches but never wears  ✅   of them.〔99. 基測Ⅰ〕 a) any b) both c) every d) others 12) Robert: Charles wanted to borrow $1,000 from me yesterday. Mandy: You didn’t lend him the money,   ✅ ?〔96.基測Ⅱ〕 a) would you b) wouldn’t you c) did you d) didn’t you 13)  ✅   Annie knows fast food is not good for her health, she still eats it.〔102.基測〕 a) Although b) Because c) If d) When 14) My father told me last night   ✅  we’re going to the Food Festival this weekend. My brother and I felt very excited.〔99.基測Ⅱ〕 a) whether b) where c) what d) that 15) Alice really likes having noodles for breakfast,  ✅  ?〔100.基測Ⅰ〕 a) doesn’t she b) is she c) hasn’t she d) did she 16)   ✅  of the gift boxes are already put under the Christmas tree.〔96. 基測Ⅱ〕 a) One b) Any c) All d) Much 17) She’s going to the USA,  ✅   she?〔94.基測Ⅰ〕 a) doesn’t b) hasn’t c) isn’t d) won’t 18) Mrs. Wang has two sons.  ✅   of them go to junior high school.〔90.基測Ⅰ〕 a) One b) Both c) Some d) Many 19)  ✅   of the students in my school do not have the experience of going to a foreign country. Only a few do.〔93.基測Ⅱ〕 a) Any b) Both c) Most d) One 20) Michelle Walden,   ✅  of the best basketball players in our school history, was called “Flying Walden” because she could jump very high.〔100.基測Ⅱ〕 a) any b) each c) one d) who 21) Elsa: Do you know anyone from Class A? Jeff: No, I don’t know any of   ✅ .〔96.基測Ⅰ〕 a) they b) their c) theirs d) them 22) There are many trees in the park.  ✅   of them are over fifty years old.〔94. 基測Ⅱ〕 a) Both b) Most c) Much d) One 23) Alice learned from the TV news   ✅  Nora Jones was coming to Taiwan the next day.〔97.基測Ⅰ〕 a) that b) where c) which d) whether 24) Lucy: Do you think Sally and Martin should get married? Rose: Why not? They love each other,   ✅ ?〔97.基測Ⅰ〕 a) will they b) won’t they c) do they d) don’t they 25) My grandfather spends   ✅  of his free time reading newspapers.〔92.基測Ⅱ〕 a) one b) both c) most d) many 26) The tall man over there is our new English teacher,  ✅  ?〔98.基測Ⅱ〕 a) is he b) is there c) isn’t he d) isn’t there


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