1) There is ______ plant on the shelf. a) an b) a c) the d) no article 2) There are ______ three apple trees in our backyard. a) an b) the c) no article d) a 3) Do you want ______ ice cream cone from the store? a) the b) an c) a d) no article 4) She lived in ______ New York when she was 25 years old. a) a b) no article c) an d) the 5) Brazil is ______ largest country in ______ South America. a) the / the b) the / a c) no article / the d) the / no article 6) I go to work by ______ metro. a) a b) an c) the d) no article 7) She is reading ______ interesting book. a) no article b) an c) a d) the 8) This morning, I went to the supermarket on ______ foot. a) a b) an c) no article d) the 9) Did you see ______ full moon last night?. a) the b) a c) an d) no article 10) I like taking a nap in ______ afternoon. a) a b) the c) no article d) an 11) Excuse me, do you have ______ pen? a) an b) the c) no article d) a 12) John is ______ nicest of my friends. a) a b) the c) an d) no article 13) I went to Russia ______ last year. a) a b) no article c) an d) the 14) I usually watch TV in ______ evening. a) no article b) a c) an d) the 15) Elisa usually reads ______ book at ______ night before going to bed. a) a / no article b) an / no article c) no article / the d) the / no article 16) My brother is ______ engineer. a) the b) an c) no article d) a 17) This room is cold. Could you close ______ window, please? a) an b) no article c) a d) the 18) I have ______ five-year-old son. a) a b) no article c) the d) an

A1: Articles (a/an, the, no article)


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