1) a slab of Earth's lithosphere that can move around on the planet's surface. a) towns b) countries c) continents d) plates 2) the theory that the Earth's surface is divided into lithospheric plates that move on the planet's surface; plate tectonics is driven by convection currents within Earth's mantle. a) earthquakes b) volcanoes c) plate tectonics d) sea floor spreading 3) a location where two lithospheric plates spread apart. a) convergent plate boundary b) divergent plate boundary c) transverse plate boundary d) arly 20th century hypothesis, made by Alfred Wegener, that the continents move about on Earth's surface. 4) a fracture along which one side has moved relative to the other. a) fault b) earthquake c) volcano d) magma 5) the type of plate boundary where two plates slide past one another. a) transform plate boundary b) rock that originates in a volcano or volcanic feature, formed from lava or magma. c) process by which something takes place. d) a magnetic mineral that takes on Earth's magnetic polarity as it crystallizes. 6) ground shaking caused by the release of energy stored in the crust. a) magnetic field b) earthquakes c) seafloor spreading d) magnetism 7) the process that causes continental crust to pull apart, breaking it into blocks. a) earthquakes b) seafloor spreading c) continental rifting d) magnetism 8) the crust that makes up the continents; thicker and less dense than oceanic crust. a) oceanic crust b) continental crust c) molten rock d) vulcanism 9) an earthquake fault in which one plate slides past another. a) transform fault b) convergent fault c) divergent foult d) earthquake 10) the crust that underlies the oceans; thinner and denser than continental crust. a) continent b) continental crust c) oceanic crust d) island

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