1) What ... your brother going to do tomorrow? a) are b) is c) does 2) (A) ... you going to see the movie? - (B) Yes, I ... ! a) Do/ am b) Are/ are c) Are/ am 3) My friend ... a birthday party next week. a) is going to has  b) going to have c) is going to have 4) I can see a lot of grey clouds in the sky. I think it ... rain soon. a) is going to b) goes to c) going to 5) (A) When ... they ... arrive? - (B) I'm not sure. a) do/ go to b) will/ going to c) are/ going to 6) ... are you going to do on your summer holidays? a) Where b) What c) How 7) (A) ... your friend going to join us? - (B) Yes, she ... a) Is/ is b) Is/ will c) Will/ will 8) What time are you going to ... for the airport?  a) leaving b) leave c) leaves 9) ... you ... go home after our English class? a) Are/ are b) Do/ will c) Are/ going to 10) (A) ... your friend going to be late? - (B) No, she ... a) Is/ isn't b) Are/ isn't c) Are/ aren't 11) Is your cousin ... move to another apartment? a) going b) going to c) will 12) (A) ... the plane going to land soon? - (B) Yes, it ... a) Are/ is b) Is/ is c) Are/ are 13) I ... going to ... my homework after dinner. a) am/ do b) am/ doing c) is/ do 14) (A) What are your plans for next year? Are you ... to Canada? a) go to b) will go c) going to go

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