My name is Hannah, I want to mention my experience in my first job out of school. 1️⃣________, I was working at the town council. I was young and had a lot of ideas. Not one idea suggested was accepted, and just kept me frustrated. 2️⃣____ __________, I needed to focus myself on what was important to others, rather than just myself and, quite frankly, to simply listen. 3️⃣_____________, I discovered it was best to listen to their thoughts 4️⃣__________ experiences; once you listen, you can create real change. I am still amazed at what learn each day by listening to others. You will always have the opportunity to talk and make your voice be heard,5️⃣_____________ your point and ideas will be much more powerful if you know how to listen. 6️⃣_________________, I can say that my working life has changed a lot!😁



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