1) Offspring a) A parents child b) Animal c) A spring d) A child's parent 2) Inherited Trait a) A trait that is learned b) A character c) A trait inherited from your parents d) A trait inherited from another animal 3) Learned trait a) A trait inherited from your parents b) A trait inherited from your son/daughter c) A organism  that is born with the trait d) A trait learned in your lifetime 4) How long does it USUALLY take for boulder to break down a) Millons/Billions of years b) Trillions of years c) Thousands of years d) One day e) One week 5) What are the 3 main things an organism needs to survive? a) Shelter, Grass, Water b) Water, Food, Air c) Air, Food, Shelter d) WATER , WATER , WATER 6) Quadingle DArious Quantavious (What happens when earth is going around the flabbergasted discombombulated sun) sun) a) It is going from day to night b) It is orbiting the sun c) A blood moon is coming d) THE EARTH IS ENDINGGGGGGHHBHNJUHUK 7) Who is Quandingle a) Obinna b) Rashaz c) Johnny Bo-Bo Quadingle Quantavious Smith XI d) Peyton e) Andrew f) Jospeph Siwa Makaya

JOhny Bo-Bo Quadingle Quantavious Smith XI


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