Margarita had very little education and has little training - Push, Rio is a big wealthy city in the South East. Visitors call it exiting. - Pull, As the second biggest city, it offers a variety of Restaurants and entertainment. - Pull, Margarita lives with her grandparents, parents and three daughters in Northern Brazil. - Push, Rio does offer its people some modern medical facilities and good quality schools. - Pull, Rio is popular with tourists. This creates a lot of job opportunities - Pull, The weather is extremely hot, with extensive dry periods in the North East. - Push, There are so many rich people living in Rio. - Pull, In Rio you can choose from a wide variety of shops to suit your needs. - Pull, Drought and unreliable rainfall are common in north-east Brazil. - Push, Margarita would receive higher wages if she moved to Rio and could get a job. - Pull, Malaria is a problem in the North of Brazil. - Push,

Push and pull mystery

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