Esperanza - Vocalist, bassist & arranger, Harmonic - high bell-like sound (end of intro), Fermata - Pause, Double stop - Playing two strings at once, Portamento - Sliding between notes, Coda - final section, Segno - D.S. means Dal ....?, Mordent - Ornament using note above, or below, BossaNova - Slowed down, subdued samba, Latin - Music from South America, Jazz - American music derived from blues & ragtime, Extended chords - Chord with extra notes added, Altered chords - Diatonic chord with a chromatic note, TheGirlFromIpanema - Famous Bossa Nova song, Three - Number of musical verses?, Free - Type of tempo in the intro?, Syncopation - Important rhythm feature from jazz, Monophonic - Texture in the intro, Polyphonic - Texture in verse 1, Homophonic - Texture in verse 2,

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