1)  Are you talking ...me? a) on b) at c) to d) from 2) Do you agree … me? a) on b) with c) to d) from 3) Stop shouting … me, will you? a) at b) with c) to d) from 4) Why are you staring … me? a) at b) with c) to d) from 5) Are you hiding … someone? a) at b) with c) to d) from 6) My aunt suffers …diabetes. a) at b) with c) to d) from 7) The police have been searching … the hidden drugs. a) at b) with c) for d) from 8) He got tired ... waiting and left. a) at b) with c) for d) of 9) Who are you waiting …? a) at b) with c) for d) of 10) I can always count …… my parents. a) on b) with c) for d) of 11) What do you know ... the accident? a) on b) about c) for d) of 12) How do you usually cope … stress? a) on b) about c) with d) of 13) We have borrowed $10 …her. a) on b) about c) with d) from 14) My parents disapprove ... my new style. a) of b) about c) with d) from 15) I would like to thank you … your help. a) of b) about c) for d) from 16) Elena has devoted all her life ... poor children. a) of b) about c) for d) to 17) How long does it take to recover … the flu? a) of b) about c) for d) from 18) My cousin often participates... swimming competitions. a) of b) in c) for d) from 19) Why don’t you get rid … this stuff? a) of b) in c) for d) from 20) Matt congratulated me …winning the gold medal. a) of b) on c) for d) from 21) We arrived …Paris two days ago. a) of b) in c) for d) from



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