narrowly - in a limited way, endurance - the ability to keep doing something difficult, unpleasant, or painful for a long time, crushed - pressed something very hard so that it was broken or its shape was destroyed, no-hoper - someone or something that will fail, voyage - a long journey, especially by ship, foolhardy - brave in a silly way, taking unnecessary risks, wintry - typical of winter, steely - very strong and determined, staggeringly - in a way that is very shocking or surprising, eerie - strange in a frightening and mysterious way, transpire - make previously secret or unknown fact becomes known, floe - a large area of ice floating in the sea, ostensibly - in a way that appears or claims to be one thing when it is really something else, nuance - a very slight difference in appearance, meaning, sound, etc, hull - the body or frame of a ship, most of which goes under the water,


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