1) The food is delicious.The word delicious is a/an  a) adverb b) Adjective c) verb d) noun 2) The children play in the park.The word park is a/an a) verb b) noun c) adjective d) Adverb 3) The bird wakes up early.The word early is a/an a) verb b) noun c) adverb d) adjective 4) The girl studied hard for the exams.The word studied is a/an a) adjective b) Verb c) noun d) Adverb 5) The car is fast.The word fast is a/an a) verb b) noun c) adverb d) Adjective 6) I like the mountain view.The word mountain is a/an a) adverb b) noun c) pronoun d) adjaective 7) He washed his hands.The word his is a/an a) noun b) verb c) pronoun d) adjective 8) The classroom is colorful.The word colorful is a/an a) adjective b) noun c) verb d) adverb 9) He is solving the Math equation.The word equation is a/an a) noun b) pronoun c) adverb d) adjective 10) I like her dancing show.The word her is a/an a) pronoun b) noun c) adjective d) adverb


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