1) 'Crooks' bunk was a long box filled with straw, on which his blankets were flung' a) Intelligent b) Segregated c) A skilled worker d) Has low status 2) 'And he had books, too; a tattered dictionary and a mauled copy of the California Civil Code for 1905' a) Intelligent b) Segregated c) A skilled worker d) Has low status 3) 'Crooks, the negro stable buck, had his bunk in the harness room; a little shed that leaned off the wall of the barn' a) Intelligent b) Segregated c) A skilled worker d) Has low status 4) 'Under the window itself a little bench for leather-working tools, curved knives and needles and balls of linen thread, and a small hand riveter' a) Intelligent b) Segregated c) A skilled worker d) Has low status


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