composite numbers - A counting number that has more than 2 different factors. For example 6, 8, 9 , equilateral triangle - A triangle with all three sides equal in length and all three angles are the same measure. , factors - The numbers that are multiplied together to get a product., isosceles triangle - A triangle with 2 sides equal in length and 2 angles the same measure., line of symmetry - A line drawn throug a figure to divide it into tow parts that are mirror images of each other., multiples - 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42..., acute triangle - A triangle with three acute angles., obtuse triangle - A triangle with an obtuse angle., prime number - A counting number with exactly two factors: itself and 1. For example 2, 3, and 5, product - The result of multiplying 2 or more numbers together., right triangle - A triangle that has a right angle., square array - An array with the same number of rows as columns.,

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