hyperbole  - Exaggeration; makes it sound bigger, better, more, etc, similar  - Another word for 'like', alliteration - The same first letter of each word, emotive  - Something with great feelings, language  - Something we try to speak, read and write, rhetorical  - 'rhetorical questions' are questions that persuade us to think in a certain way, questions  - Things we ask about issues we don't know, rule of three - A list of three. Example: The tiger was orange, striped and ferocious!, repetition  - When something is repeated, usually in speeches and writing, imperative - A command. We use imperative verbs when talking to dogs. Example 'Sit!' 'Lie down', personal pronouns - I, we, you pronouns, entry level - Basic start of exam assessment, level one - Standard exam assessment, level two - Higher level assessment, direct address - To speak directly to the audience,


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