Flag - The newspaper's name , Byline - It tells the reader who write the story , Headline - It words set at head or page to introduce , Photo credits - It is a note acknowledged edging the success of published photograph, Subtitle - Words printed above or below a picture explain what the picture is showing , Photo - It provides proof that the event really happens , Business - cover many different topics, including stock trading, economic policy, business mergers, and technological advances., Entreteinment - covers various topics, including celebrities, film, music, festivals, and awards ceremonies., Investigate - It goal is to shine a light on a  particular topic or injustice, Opinion - writer’s opinion rather than solely reporting new data or events. Most opinion journalism pieces center on a particular subject, Photojournalist  - It is the art of taking pictures to tell news stories, Political  - Political journalism keeps the readership informed of the political happenings in a particular area—whether local government, national government, or international policy., Sports - covers sports-related topics, including coverage of games and discussion of players and strategy, and profiles that spotlight specific players, coaches, or teams., Watchdog - protect society from illegal activities or corruption, especially within their governments or economic structures.,


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