1) What is the Comparative of Blue? a) Bluer b) Bluest c) more blue d) the most blue 2) What is the Superlative of Angry? a) the most angry b) angriest c) the more angry d) mare angry 3) What is the Comparative of Bad? a) more bad b) the more bad c) the most bad d) worse 4) What is the Comparative of bloody? a) bloodier b) the most bloodiest c) the more bloody d) more bloody 5) What is the Superlative of bold? a) the more bold b) the most bolder c) boldest 6) What is the Comparative of busy? a) the more busy b) busier c) the most busiest d) more busy 7) What is the Comparative of cheap? a) the more cheaper b) more cheap c) the most cheap d) cheaper 8) What is the Superlative of calm? a) calmest b) the most calm 9) What is the Comparative of black? a) the most black b) more black c) blacker 10) What is the Comparative of brave? a) bravest b) braver c) briefer d) the more braver 11) What is the Superlative of chewy? a) the most chewy b) chewier c) chewiest 12) What is the Comparative of bright? a) brighter b) the more bright c) brightest

Comparatives and Superlatives


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