1) <PQR=85° AND <RSP=127°. Find the Value of <SPQ. For <SPQ Add <PQR and <RSP together and take away from 360°, don't forget the 90° box!. a) 163° b) 53° c) 58° d) 253° 2) <PQR=85° and <RSP=124°. Find the value of <SPQ. Add <PQR and <RSP together and take way from 360°, don't forget 90° box!. a) 65° b) 62° c) 67° d) 61° 3) A, B & F lie on a straight line. C, B & E lie on a straight line. (Add them all together take away from 360) Don't forget 90° box. Find value of x.  a) 152° b) 110° c) 32° d) 120° 4) A, B, C & D form the vertices of a quadrilateral. A, B & F lie on a straight line. C, B & E lie on a straight line. Find the value of x. a) 345° b) 246° c) 123° d) 104°

560 - Interior angles in quadrilaterals


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