predecessor - the person who was in a job or position before, markedly - very noticeably, susceptible - easily influenced or harmed by something, attendant - accompanying, vulnerable - easy to hurt or attack physically or emotionally, rate - how often something happens, or how many people something happens to, skyrocket - to rise or increase rapidly or suddenly, especially to unexpected levels, exaggeration - the use of descriptions that say something is larger, better, worse, etc than it really is, be on the brink of - to be in a situation where something bad is going to happen very soon, trace - to find someone or something that was lost, deterioration - the process of becoming progressively worse, conversation - a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged, ever-present - someone or something that exists everywhere, link - a connection between two people, things, or ideas, kind of - used when you are trying to explain or describe something, but you cannot be exact, hang out - to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with a particular group of people, involve - to affect or include someone or something in an activity, adolescence - the period of time in someone's life between being a child and an adult,

IGenerations: teenagers affected by phones (vocabulary)


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