1) You feel very sick. a) doctor b) translator c) seamstress d) landscaper 2) Your car won't start. a) locksmith b) waiting staff c) landscaper d) mechanic 3) Your tooth is sore. a) vet b) hairdresser c) doctor d) dentist 4) In a restaurant, you want to order a meal. a) waiting staff b) police c) optician d) doctor 5) At the beach, your friend has swum out too far. a) lifeguard b) waiting staff c) translator d) pharmacist 6) Someone is threatening you. a) private detective b) police c) hairdresser d) optician 7) Your cat has a sore eye. a) vet b) mechanic c) locksmith d) pharmacist 8) You want to collect your prescription. a) dentist b) pharmacist c) waiting staff d) jeweller 9) You need to get reading glasses. a) home decorator b) lifeguard c) locksmith d) optician 10) You want to get your hair cut. a) vet b) translator c) pet sitter d) hairdresser 11) You've locked yourself out of your house. a) locksmith b) vet c) dentist d) event planner 12) You need your jeans hemmed. a) seamstress b) home decorator c) waiting staff d) accountant 13) You need your watch fixed. a) jeweller b) vet c) optician d) mechanic 14) You need to file your tax returns. a) accountant b) private detective c) seamstress d) landscaper 15) You want help to plan a big town party. a) jeweller b) dentist c) event planner d) seamstress 16) You need a document translated from German to English. a) locksmith b) jeweller c) dentist d) translator 17) You want your garden designed. a) landscaper b) waiting staff c) accountant d) translator 18) You want your home revamped. a) locksmith b) translator c) optician d) home decorator 19) I need someone to mind my pets while I'm away. a) home decorator b) private detective c) locksmith d) pet sitter 20) You want to hire someone to find a distant relative. a) hairdresser b) private detective c) pharmacist d) pet sitter


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