1) I / play the violin / tomorrow a) I played the violin  tomorrow. b) I play the violin tomorrow. c) I plays the violin tomorrow. d) I will play the violin tomorrow. 2) I / draw a picture / yesterday a) I drew a picture yesterday. b) I draw a picture yesterday. c) I draws a picture yesterday. d) I will draw a picture yesterday. 3) She / have a party / tomorrow a) She had a party tomorrow. b) She have a party tomorrow. c) She has a party tomorrow. d) She will have a party tomorrow. 4) She / have a party / this morning a) She had a party this morning. b) She have a party this morning. c) She has a party this morning. d) She will have a party this morning. 5) They / students a) They am students. b) They are students. c) They is students. 6) He / sleep late / tomorrow a) He slept late tomorrow. b) He sleep late tomorrow. c) He sleeps late tomorrow. d) He will sleep late tomorrow. 7) I / go to the mall / yesterday a) I went to the mall yesterday. b) I go to the mall yesterday. c) I goes to the mall yesterday. d) I will go to the mall yesterday. 8) He / ride a bike / last week a) He rode a bike last week. b) He ride a bike last week. c) He rides a bike last week. d) He will ride a bike last week. 9) He / eat an apple / every day a) He ate an apple every day. b) He eat an apple every day. c) He eats an apple every day. d) He will eat an apple every day. 10) He / see a movie / next week  a) He saw a movie next week. b) He see a movie next week. c) He sees a movie next week. d) He will see a movie next week. 11) She/ drink too much juice / every day a) She drank too much juice every day. b) She drink too much juice every day. c) She drinks too much juice every day. d) She will drink too much juice every day. 12) She / play the piano / tomorrow a) She played the piano tomorrow. b) She play the piano tomorrow. c) She plays the piano tomorrow. d) She will play the piano tomorrow. 13) We / eat too much chocolate / yesterday a) We ate too much chocolate yesterday b) We eat too much chocolate yesterday c) We eats too much chocolate yesterday d) We will eat too much chocolate yesterday 14) They / get presents / tomorrow a) They got presents tomorrow. b) They get presents tomorrow. c) They gets presents tomorrow. d) They will get presents tomorrow. 15) He / play basketball / last weekend a) He played basketball last weekend. b) He play basketball last weekend. c) He plays basketball last weekend. d) He will play basketball last weekend. 16) He / brush his teeth / everyday a) He brushed his teeth every day. b) He brush his teeth every day. c) He brushes his teeth every day. d) He will brush his teeth every day. 17) It / see a vet / tomorrow. a) It saw a vet tomorrow. b) It see a vet tomorrow. c) It sees a vet tomorrow. d) It will see a vet tomorrow. 18) We / listen to music / every day a) We listened to music every day. b) We listen to music every day. c) We listens to music every day. d) We will listen to music every day. 19) I / do my homework / this morning. a) I did my homework this morning. b) I do my homework this morning. c) I does my homework this morning. d) I will do my homework this morning. 20) They / clean the house / next week. a) They cleaned the house next week. b) They clean the house next week. c) They cleans the house next week. d) They will clean the house next week.

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